🎯 Stop Chasing, Start Attracting! ~~ Ankush Sethi. 🎯
When I saw this beautiful quote, I had to ponder about it...
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Upon reflection, consider this: When a butterfly alights on our hand, we lose it the moment we attempt to grasp it tightly. Similarly, when we hold sand in our palm, it slips away as soon as we close our hand.
As a faith-based coach, I also contemplate the story of Abraham and Sarah. They sought God’s promise, even enlisting Hagar’s help. Yet, it was when they relinquished their own efforts that Isaac was granted to them.
Therefore, cease striving excessively for your desires. Entrust them to the Divine and release your grip. By seeking God’s will through prayer, you’ll attract what He has in store for you. 🙏✨

D'Vorah Pnina Meijer