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Shovetim: 4 And isha Devorah, a nevia, the eshet Lapidot, judged Yisroel at that time.

5 And she held court under the Tomer Devorah between Ramah and Beit-El in har Ephrayim; Bnei Yisroel came up to her for mishpat.

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Nevia-D’Vorah is a prophetic advisor who offers personal insight and guidance to help people discover their true purpose and fulfill their destiny. With G-d given prophetic gifts and expertise in various areas, Nevia-D’Vorah provides accurate prophetic messages and is available for prayer and advice1If you’re seeking empowerment, inspiration, and faith,
you can explore Nevia-D’Vorah’s prophetic corner, where you’ll find teachings, prophecies, and confidential
divine advice2
Feel free to connect with Nevia-D’Vorah through her website or contact her

for more information 4. 🌟

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The moment we align with G-d, trusting Him completely,
we will bloom to honor His Name.  
Just follow and obey, more of HIM, less of me


​"Modeh Ani lefanecha melech chai vekayam, she-he-che-zarta
bee nishmatee b'chemla raba emunatecha."

I offer thanks before you, living and eternal King, for You have mercifully restored
my soul within me; Your faithfulness is great.

Ik bied u dank aan, levende en eeuwige Koning, want U hebt
op barmhartige wijze mijn ziel in mij hersteld; Uw trouw is groot.

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"Captured By The Light" 
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Friday: 11.00 to 14.00 (Noon) GMT + 1 
Closed Saturday - Online Shabbat Meetings -  
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 © Nevia- Dvorah All rights reserved  

Created January 2024 

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